New Headstarting Program in New Bedford Public Schools

New Headstarting Program in New Bedford Public Schools

NECWA expanded our Diamondback Terrapin Headstart program to include an elementary classroom in New Bedford Public Schools. Teacher Kim LeBlanc who teaches Grade 4 took on this project with her students and they did an excellent job of raising and caring for their terrapin hatchling. 

NECWA would like to thank the New Bedford Cultural Council and the Mass Cultural Council for supporting this project. Without their support, NECWA could not expand this program to different school districts and schools. 

Here is some information from Teacher Kim LeBlanc at Ashley School, New Bedford,  and some stories from her students. 

In my fourth grade classroom we were privileged to have a hatchling.  The kids were so excited to watch our “baby” go from 0.5 grams to 207 grams.  I loved to see their faces as the turtle was seen after vacations.  They were amazed at how big it got over the times we were apart.

This hatchling had a big impact on us. We learned so much about turtles and connected with one of our reading stories more because we had our turtle.  The hatchling also helped us regulate our feelings and emotions.  Myrtle the Turtle helped the kids in our class, and school, deal with their big emotions.  Teachers would bring kids in who were sad and needed a smile to watch Myrtle swim around the tank.  My class would go and look at it swim when they were overwhelmed because of choices they made or assessments they were afraid of.

This turtle was important to me and the class because it taught the kids about living things and the importance of taking care of animals.  Animals in the classroom, in my opinion, are important and should be in all classes.

The kids in third grade were so excited when I went to their rooms with Myrtle to show them some things we will be doing next year with them.  I already have kids ecstatic about school in August.  

Terrapin being released in June back into the marsh. 



Grayson                                                          3/26/24


   Once upon a time not too long ago a very strange teacher introduced me, the astounding astonishing amazing... BRUH. I am a turtle, a very cool turtle matter 'o fact. Now this strange teacher put me in a very weird tank in a very strange room. And then a few days later a bunch of strange and weird children came storming into the room and at this point I'm like oh no this is going to be a weird experienceIt's like weird upon weird upon weird!

Now these little brats are Arguing about my gender I mean even the creepy janitor is getting involved He's like I know that it's a girl Because it is big I mean I'm a boy like look at that kid over there he's pretty big and he's not a girl what about that creepy janitor with the red shirt. A look at my name it's bro that's a boy's name dude.Also all the little brats creepy janitors in the red shirt and whatever other types of wait what are they called again? Oh yeah humans are still arguing about my gender. 

But yeah I'm a boy so take that creepy janitor with the red shirt. Okay now it is night time and I am noticing a lot of more things about this strange room, And this strange tank and i notice this  strange machine in the tank and i make a not so smart decision and i step on the machine and then it started to attack me and i also notice that the machine has eyes that are numbers. Now I am freaking out and I run up to the top of my little mountain. Then later on I fell asleep and I woke up the next day and everything was back to normal.

There were no machines trying to attack me. There weren't even little brats in the room until I heard a huge rumbling noise And then I saw! one little kid HUH, And then all of a sudden a HUMONGOUS rumbling noise. And then All of these Little Brats start storming in the room, And i'm like oh no these kids Are going to take down the building  and I must look like a buffoon I look like I'm running into the glass when I'm really like AHHHHH  GET ME OUT OF HERE!!! 

Then I close my eyes for a few seconds then I open one eye and I'm like is this earthquake of wild children is done? But then all of these kids are in the classroom and it's so noisy and loud until teachers please get on the link for morning announcements and it all goes quiet. 

And I'm like well that's a first. then after morning announcements it's all out again. Today is going to be a long day. Not even 10 minutes later there's a weird kid tapping on my tank and picking his nose then three hours later these little brats finally leave.                          

Then I'm like if they leave I leave. OK i will admit it my first try trying to escape i got stuck in between the glass of my tank and my mountain. Now these little brats are back from recess, And I see a penguin trying to escape and I am like wait for me. but then I see that it is a screen. I'm like oh man! but then I'm jealous so I'm going to make a Escape plan! It took me about sixty recesses and sixty nights but I finally did it. I made the plan a secret plan!

So it is a Friday afternoon and I'm like okay all I have to do is go to the top of my mountain and jump out of the tank and exit the building without getting caught by the creepy janitor! So now Operation Escape 1 2 3 is in action okay now I just need to get out of the tank so I'm climbing up my mountain okay I got my mountain okay ready to jump ouch I forgot it has a cover on it but when I hit the tank it slides a little bit. So I will hit the cover if you don't know what I'm talking about. okay now OH! EE! OW! BAM! OUCH!

 AH HA an opening OK let”s try this again "JUMP "!... YES. i did it i got out of this treacherous tank. OK let”s do this  OH that is a big fall.  You know I don't care. JUMP! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH POFF!!!

Wasn't that bad actually. “Ok know the hard part” CRAWLING!!! Without getting caught. By the creepy janitor with the red shirt. oh come on that is ridiculous one mile per hour!

Okay faster oh no the janitor is across the hall Wait no he's right in front of me  but he's not looking at me great he's opening the door to the school and I can exit the building. and I DID IT!!!! I exited the building, And I also saw a pond right across the street so I am going to cross the street and build my home there.

              TO BE CONTINUED!!! In the amazing adventures of BRUH 2.




Once upon a time , a teacher at Ashley School introduced me to the class . I looked around the room and I was excited to begin my adventures. Everyone was fighting about what my name should be or my gender . But little did they know I was a girl and my name is Zoey .The next day the kids gotta take me home for a day .The teacher picked a kid. Her name was Zoraia .She took me home and put me on her desk . Her room looked so big . It was night time I was getting bored .So I snuck out of the window .  It was so dark .I saw a birds , trees and more .I shut the window .It made a loud noise. Zoraia almost woke up .I was thinking wear to hide . I thought about the ocean where I was supposed to be . But I said no, the kids and the teacher will be sad and mad . Maybe the lake ? I was still on the roof . Zoraia woke up . She was looking for me. She got sad and she was crying  saying I am going to get in so much trouble . I was sad but I had to leave . So I ran but I ran so slow . Then I was thinking I should  hide at the Aurora borealis . So I ran as fast as I can. So I was going to the airport . I went in someone's suitcase . Then we were on the plane . 3 hours later we were there . I snuck out of the suitcase and ran. I was outside . I ran to see if I could see the Aurora borealis .It was about 7 hours away . I Didn't want to run .So I Went in a car . They were going to Aurora borealis .So it was so much easier  so I was so happy .   I went in a bag . We were there  . So I ran out of the car . I ran . I miss my class, said Zoey .But I ran to Aurora Borealis . I saw so many people but when I looked I saw my teacher. And the kids .I ran but the kids saw me. The teachers saw me too . But when I ran the kids We're running after me. Zoraia ran . She said see the turtle ran off. I did not let her go . The kids were still running after me .I ran up the tree and they did not find me. They were still running . But I missed the class .So I went back to school so I went in a car . I went on A plane.. I went back to school but when I went back there was a different turtle . The teacher saw me and she said I got another turtle . I ran in the woods to cry when the teacher saw me . She ran but I did not want to talk to her . So I ran in the woods . I went to start another adventure . So I ran and jumped up on a tree . I love the woods said Zoey . But she saw a bunch of turtles so I went in. They said hi . Who are you? I am Coco. I was a turtle . I was a turtle to a teacher in 4th grade . She got a turtle and left me . so I went into the woods. I just had the same problem . So me and Coco ran to the woods . We saw so much stuff . We saw an ocean. I was thinking we should go for a swim, Coco .I do not know how to swim, said Zoey . I will Teach you . Ok said Zoey . So Coco went into the water . Zoey got  nervous but she got in the water . Come on, said Coco ok said Zoey . So she went in the water . I am swimming said Zoey . You are swimming said Coco . I am swimming . Do you want to  explore the ocean, ask Coco ?  that has been my dream, said  Zoey . So they went in the water . I saw an Octopus . I said hi to the octopus .His name is Cassian . He was so nice he showed me a bunch of shops so me and Coco went to the shops . We saw so many cute things . I think we should go back said Coco . I want to stay . We have said Coco . But no buts said Coco . Sorry we have to leave, said Zoey . so they went back home . Hi I am home I have a new friend her name is Zoey said Coco . Can she live with us? Yes she can stay in your room . Ok we start school tomorrow . School, what school ? said Zoey. It is a school where you learn to swim and more . Ok . The next day . I'm nervous, said Zoey . It is ok . So they go to school . Hi, this is the new student. Her name is Zoey .  “Hi,” the class said with a happy smile . 



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