Big Fish in New England: Strategies for Strandings and Research Activities


Join the NECWA team in Nantucket or virtually for this exciting event. 

The UMass Boston Nantucket Field Station is thrilled to host:

Big Fish in New England: Strategies for Strandings and Research Activities

Carol "Krill" Carson 

President and Founder of the New England Coastal Wildlife Alliance

Meet Carol "Krill" Carson.

Learn about big fish research and rescue. 

Open to the public, students, staff and faculty.

Thursday Dec 15th, 2022.

Hybrid talk: (in person or zoom webinar)

Talk 1:00-2:15PM (ZOOM Webinar)

Broadcast from the Nantucket Field Station 

Conference Room, 180 Polpis Road

Stranding training will follow the talk for those attending in person on Nantucket. 


Webinar Registration required by all attending virtually or in person:


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