Happy Earth Day 2022


What am I doing this Friday on Earth Day? 

Working with Dani and Amy in the NECWA office on diamondback terrapin data and preparing for a new season of field research and rescues.

What do I wish on this Earth Day?
That NECWA had more Members to support the work we do.

What can I do to make this happen?
Reach out to my friends and family and ask for their continued interest and support.

NECWA needs your support to keep us in the field researching and rescuing marine wildlife (actually any wildlife), especially those 'mis-fit" species ignored by others.

NECWA is all volunteer which means that each of us volunteers our time and expertise on behalf of local wildlife. I am so proud of all the work we do and am amazed at all we have and will continue to accomplish as volunteers. However, each of us struggles to juggle NECWA activities with other responsibilities, including family, work and our health.  

How can you help?
Become a member of NECWA and keep us going! Your support will keep us in the field, office and lab working hard to protect this amazing planet, one animal at a time.
To become a NECWA MEMBER today, go to https://www.necwa.org/necwa-support-memberships.html 

Please share this post and help me reach more people. Thank you for being a concerned citiizen of Planet Earth and have a wonderful Earth Day. 

Keep up the good fight!

Krill Carson
Founder and President of NECWA
Marine Biologist


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