Whales and Seals off Race Point Beach

Harbor Seal.
Finback off Race Point Light.
April 25, 2014

If you are in the Provincetown area, now is a good time to walk the beaches of Race Point and Herring Cover to see whales, BIG whales!

Finbacks feeding together off Race Point Beach.
Aboard the Capt. John & Son II today, we had some amazing views of endangered finback whales and seals that were feeding right off the beach. They were so close to the shoreline that anyone walking the beach area would have gotten a sighting of a lifetime!

Finback off the beach.
There is a steep drop-off less than 100 yards off Race Point Beach. So there animals were in at least 100 feet of water. These steep drop-offs tend to concentrate small bait fish, the primary food for the big whales. So you often see large whales feeding off Race Point over much of the spring, summer and fall.

Side-lunge feeding by a finback whale off Race Point Beach.
We had at least 4 finback whales and quite a few harbor seals and gray seals all feeding in this area.

The gang on the beach - Double-crested cormorants.
Quite a show! So get out and walk those beaches if you have a chance. Or join us aboard the Capt. John Boats out of Plymouth for our next available whale watch.

Finback whale off Race Point. 
Bubble cloud made by a finback whale. 

Finback surface feeding.

Gray Seal.
Gray Seal.


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