Maritime Days in Plymouth on July 14, 2012

Katherine helping out at Maritime Days. 

Brandon and Nick at the educational section of our tables. 
NECWA was once again part of Plymouth's Maritime Days on Saturday, July 14th. We set up our tables under the large tent that is erected by the Harbor Masters building at the end of the Town Wharf. We had lots of fun activities for kids to do including make your own "Shark Tooth Necklace" and "Origami Whale."
Brandon with the educational displays. 
Nick helping with the educational displays.
Krill had lots of help from our NECWA interns including Katherine McKenna, Kelsey Pinkham, Brandon Wheaton and Nick Schomburg. Brandon manned the origami activity and helped Nick out with the educational materials.

Origami whales. 
Katherine and Kelsey worked at the front of our booth and talked to folks about whale watching aboard the Captain John Boats.
Donate a dollar and get a button to support NECWA.
Krill and MacKenzie ( a new high school intern) helped the kids put together their shark tooth necklaces and MacKenzie started them off on their origami whale. It was fun to chat with all the people in Plymouth and hear all the stories of how their summer is going.

Krill helping with the fossil shark tooth necklaces. 

Can't wait for next year's Blessing of the Fleet and Maritime Days! Enjoy the photos below.


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