Two mother and calf pairs crossing paths right off our bow!

An amazing look at two mother and calf pairs that collide with one another as both moms are feeding at the surface. On the 2 pm whale watching trip aboard the Tails of the Sea, a luxury commercial whale watching boat owned and operated by Captain John Boats, we watch in amazement as two humpback mother and calf pairs cross paths right off our bow!

Ganesh and her calf are coming towards our boat as they surface feed off the bow. This pair runs smack dab into Venom and her calf who are also feeding at the surface, but off our port side.

What a commotion as moms and kids run into one another! But true to form, these humpback mom's keep their cool and keep on truckin! Venom and calf move continue to feed our bow as they head to the north and Ganesh and calf continue to feed as they move off our port side heading to the southeast.


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