New magnetic sign for NEBShark stranding work. Thanks to Jean and Mark from Northeast Printing & Graphics for the new magnetic truck signs that help identify Krill's truck when NECWA staff are on the beach rescuing or necropsying ocean sunfish this fall. These signs help advertise the fact that the NEBShark stranding response team is working on the beach. Magnetic signs on Krill's truck. We want to thank Northeast Printing & Graphics for doing such a great job making these signs for NEBShark. This company is a big supporter of NECWA's and we want to thank them for all their donations to our organization over the years. We ask our NECWA and NEBShark members to show their support by choosing this company for all their printing and shipping needs. Check out their website at Krill's truck parked near Loagy Bay at Lieutenant's Island in Wellfleet, MA.