June 13, 2010 Seabird & Whale Tales Excursion

June 13th 2010 SAWT Excursion 8 am to 4 pm Tails of the Sea Below are trip reports from David Clapp and Joanne Jarzobski. Enjoy! Trip Report by David Clapp The day started a bit gloomy and it wasn't until we returned to the harbor eight hours later that we saw the sun. It was foggy offshore all day. It wasn’t cold but it was cool and the rain shower about thirty minutes away from the pier was a bit of an eyeopener. The Captain John boat with a group of hardy whale and bird watchers aboard headed east toward Stellwagen Bank. The sands of Duxbury Beach were not visible through the fog but Long Beach (Plymouth Beach) was seen pretty well as we left the harbor. There are few mammal predators on the beach this year so the tern colony that has been on the sandy stretch was solid and even larger than last year. It appears that there are 5000 pairs of Common Terns and a few pairs of Arctic and Roseate terns. The Least Terns are there as well but their breeding numbers are a bit fluid. ...